Hereunder, we make available to you our Full Privacy Notice Users, applicable to all our users who surf and use our website.  

If you are in a European Union Member Country, the processing of your personal data will also be subject to our Privacy Notice Users – GDPR. These documents are available below on this same screen, we invite you to read the documents which are of interest to you by clicking on their active links.

PR Global Reservations LLC (“Data Controller”) shall be in charge of processing your personal data. The Data Controller ´s address is located at 8400 NW 33RD Street, Suite 406, Doral, FL 33122.  

For any questions related to the processing of the personal data of our users, the Data Controller puts the following email address at your disposal: derechosarco@palaceresorts.com. 

What personal data do we collect?   

For  the  purposes  described  in  this  Privacy  Notice, the Data  Controller  may  collect  and  request  the following personal data, among other:  

  • Identification and contact data.
  • Personal characteristics data.
  • Browsing data and electronic devices, such as IP address. 

For what purposes do we process your personal data?   

The Data Controller will use your personal data for any of the following purposes:  

  1. To allow access to our online services should you be eligible and chose to do so expressly.
  2. Sending communications about offers and new products and / or services.
  3. Carrying out satisfaction surveys.  

With whom may we share your personal data?  

The Data Controller may share your personal data with the following recipients, for any of the purposes indicated below:     

  1. Towards our parent company or holding companies, affiliates or subsidiaries that operate under the same internal processes and policies, for the purposes of management, administration and centralized safekeeping of information.  

Rights of access, rectification, cancellation  

When necessary, our users may request access, rectification or cancellation of their personal data, through a request sent to the following email account: derechosarco@palaceresorts.com 

The request should contain and include the following:    

  1. Your name, address or other means for communicating our response to your request.
  2. Documentation that accredits your identity.
  3. The type of right you wish to exercise.
  4. The data to which your request refers to. 

Data Controller will communicate a response to your request within a period of one month as of the date on which we receive your request. Under exceptional circumstances, Data Controller may extend this period for up to two months, taking into consideration the complexity and number of requests issued. If the request is considered to be erroneous or to have insufficient information, Data Controller will require that such deficiencies be remedied in order to process your request.  

Our users may revoke their consent for processing personal data, without any retroactive effects, in all cases in which said revocation does not imply the impossibility of complying with obligations derived from a current legal relationship.  

Users guarantee, and are liable for, the veracity, preciseness, validity and authenticity of the facilitated personal data, and agree to maintain such data duly updated, informing Data Controller of any changes.  

Use of Cookies  

The web site www.palaceelite.com uses technology known as “cookies”, for the following purpose:  

  • Enable the functionalities of the website. 

In order to achieve this purpose, we use classifiable cookies, such as:  

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: Are those required for the operation of the website. These types of  cookies  include  those  that  allow  for  secure  registrations  in  specific  sites  of  the website.  
  • Functional Cookies: Are those that improve the website’s functionality or facilitate its use. For example, through the registration of prior visits or prior registration in our services. 

The Web site www.palaceelite.com may store strictly necessary cookies in your device, so that the website may function properly.  

If you want additional information about cookies, how they work and how you can disable them depending on your browser, we recommend that you visit the following website: www.allaboutcookies.org.   

Amendments or updates to this Privacy Notice 

Data Controller may amend, update, extend or otherwise change the contents and scope hereof at any time and at Data Controller’s own discretion. In such cases, Data   Controller shall publish those changes in the website www.palaceelite.com, under section so called “Privacy Notices”.   

Changes hereto may also be notified by e-mail, should such means of communication had been   established as a communication channel between the interested parties and Data Controller, during the term of the legal relationship.  


Last updated: 

October 01st, 2022 

In accordance with the provisions of article 3.2 and other applicable provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (hereinafter, “GDPR”), we present to individuals who are in the specified countries with the following information concerning the processing and protection of the personal data thereof.  

This information and the legal effects thereof shall precisely be applicable to individuals who are in the following countries:  








Czech Republic






















Identity and contact data of Data Controller 

PR Global Reservations LLC (hereinafter, “Data Controller”) shall be in charge of processing personal data to fulfill the purposes specified in section so called “Purposes and legal basis for the processing of your personal data”. The Data Controller’s domicile is 8400 NW 33RD Street, Suite 406, Doral, FL 33122. 

Data subjects may also contact Data Controller via the following e-mail address: derechosarco@palaceresorts.com.  

Identity and Contact Data of Data Controller’s Representative within the European Union Territory

Data Controller has appointed the following person as the representative thereof within the European Union territory, pursuant to article 27 of the GDPR: name: Héctor Efraín Guzmán Rodríguez; domicile: Avenida de Brasil 29 -1, 28020, Madrid, Spain; e-mail address: derechosarco@palaceresorts.com

Purposes and legal basis for the processing of your personal data 

Data Controller processes your personal data for the purposes and under the legal basis listed below, including the legitimate interests of Data Controller:  


Legal basis

To allow access to our online services should you be eligible and chose to do so expressly.

The Data Subject has given consent for the creation of a personal account in our website.

Sending communications about offers and new products and / or services.

The Data Subject has given consent for Data Controller to send thereto electronic communications for marketing and advertisement purposes.

To make statistics and to keep a historical record of users.

Data Controller has a legitimate interest in obtaining and processing information concerning the quality of the services thereof, to improve or broaden its service level thereof. 


With whom can we share your information? In what cases?  

For the purposes indicated below, we may share your personal data based on your consent or in applicable legal provisions:  

Recipient category

Centralized protection of information.

Holding, subsidiary or affiliate corporations of Data Controller. 

Sending communications about offers and new products and / or services. 

Providers of digital marketing services who provide their services to the Data Controller as data processors. 

To make statistics and to keep a historical record of users.

Providers of statistics and survey services who provide their services to the Data Controller as data processors. 

Retention periods; criteria for determination 

Data Controller shall retain the personal data thereof during the term strictly required to achieve the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notices and, if applicable, until the limitation period of acts derived from the legal relationship that originated the processing of your data.  


Criteria to determine the term of retention

To allow access to our online services should you be eligible and chose to do so expressly.

Indefinitely from the creation of a personal account in our website, electronic services and/or applications 

Sending communications about offers and new products and / or services.

Indefinitely or when the Data Subject requests their personal data related to this purpose to be erased.         

To make statistics and to keep a historical record of users.

Up to 1 year from the performance of the relevant statistics. 

Rights of data subjects; means for the exercise of such rights 

In all legally applicable cases, you may, at any time, exercise your access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights by means of a request addressed to the following e-mail address: derechosarco@palaceresorts.com.   

The request shall contain:  

  1. Your name and domicile or another means to communicate the response to your request.
  2. Documents that prove your identity or, if applicable, the corresponding legal representation.
  3. A clear and precise description of personal data with respect to which any of the rights related to the processing of your data are intended to be exercised; and
  4. Any other element or document that facilitates the localization of personal data. 

Data Controller shall communicate the decision made in connection to your request, within a month from the date when we receive your request. Exceptionally, Data controller may extend such term up to two months, considering the complexity and the number of requests issued. In the event your request be inapplicable, Data Controller shall inform you about the reasons for the decision thereof not after the month following the receipt of your request.  

In the event data provided in your request be incorrect or insufficient or in case the documents required to prove your identity, or the corresponding legal representation be not attached, Data Controller shall require you to correct such errors to process your request.  

You may withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data without retroactive effects, in all cases in which such a revocation shall not result in the impossibility to comply with obligations derived from an effective legal relationship between you and Data Controller; you may also limit the processing of your personal data in the cases expressly provided under the GDPR.  

You shall be responsible for updating your personal data held by Data Controller consequently, you guarantee and shall be liable, in any case, for the truthfulness, accuracy, effectiveness, and authenticity of the personal data provided, and you undertake to update your personal data and to communicate any changes thereto to Data Controller.  

In the event you disagree with the decision made by Data Controller in response to a request for the exercise of your rights as an interested party you may file a complaint before the control authority of your country of residence.  

Automatic means to collect personal data 

The Data Controller uses cookies to facilitate browsing on the website www.palaceelite.com. Cookies are a tool used by web servers to save and retrieve information that is stored in the browser used by users of a website that allow to save your personal preferences to provide a better browsing experience.  

Cookies have an expiration date, which can range from your session or visit duration to a website to a specific date after which they cease to be operational. Most of the cookies used in www.palaceelite.com are associated only with an anonymous user and his or her computer, they do not provide references that allow the user's name and surname to be deduced, cannot read personal data from the user's hard disk, and do not include viruses in their texts.  

You can configure your browser to automatically accept or reject all cookies or to receive an onscreen warning about the installation of each cookie and decide at that time whether to install it on your hard drive. We suggest that you consult the help section of your browser to learn how to change the settings for accepting or rejecting cookies. Even if you configure your browser to reject all cookies or expressly reject cookies from www.palaceelite.com.  you can still browse the website with the only drawback of not being able to enjoy the site's  functionalities that require the installation of any of them. In any case, you may delete the www.palaceelite.com cookies installed in your hard disk, at any time, following the procedure established in the Help section of your   browser.  

Amendments or updates to this Privacy Notice 

Data Controller may amend, update, extend or otherwise change the contents and scope hereof at any time and at Data Controller’s own discretion. In such cases, Data Controller shall publish those changes in the website www.palaceelite.com, under section so called “Privacy Notices”.   

Changes hereto may also be notified by e-mail, should such means of communication had been established as a communication channel between the interested parties and Data Controller, during the term of the legal relationship. 


Last updated:  

October 01st, 2022